Prevent and Control Pests in your Home

Mice, fleas, ants, wasps... these housemates are better gone than here. So how do you get rid of these pests?

First of all, it is good to know that most pests are attracted to food. So, always store your food properly in sealed packages. Don't forget to clean up crumbs on the counter and table immediately, and don't leave the garbage bag in the hallway for a week.

Additionally, you should ensure that pests cannot enter your living space. For example, by sealing gaps and cracks. A mouse only needs a gap of half a centimeter to enter your room. Screens on doors and windows keep mosquitoes and wasps at bay.

Pests like to nest in warm, moist, and sheltered spots. For example, in that messy corner of your room or at the bottom of the closet. Prevent creating spots where pests feel at home.

Do you still have pests in your house? Sometimes more drastic measures are needed. You can choose chemical pesticides, but also consider environmentally friendly exterminators. For example, use a mousetrap instead of poison or fill a spray bottle with water and vinegar to combat ants.

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