Contents and Liability Insurances

Especially in student houses, there is a lot for burglars to steal; in almost every room, there is a smartphone, laptop, and in most cases, a television. A burglar can quickly make off with thousands of euros worth of goods in a student house. Therefore, at Gruno Rentals, it is mandatory to take out a home contents insurance policy. This insurance covers the damage if something is stolen, but also if you experience water damage, fire, or smoke damage.

Additionally, taking out liability insurance is mandatory at Gruno Rentals. This covers the damage you cause to other people (personal injury) or property. For example, if a pipe bursts and causes water damage to the neighbors, you are insured for this. Likewise, if a passerby is injured by a roof tile that has blown off your house, you can claim this insurance.

Not every insurance company covers the same costs. So, check which costs are covered before taking out an insurance policy.

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